
   Administration System in details:

  • System Administration (Permissions/ Authorities/ User’s Rules/ Business Rules/  ...etc.)
  • School Administration (Business Users/ End Users/ Managers/ HOD/ IT/ Faculties / Parents /Students/ … etc.)
  • Registration (Fast Registration/ Registration Details)
  • Student Management (Student’s Profile/ Student’s Portal/ Student’s Homework/ … etc.)
  • Human Resources (Employee Profile/ Payroll/ Time Attendance/ Credential’s).
  • Timetabling (Class Tables/ Student’s Tables/ Faculties Tables/Rooms Tables).
  • Library (Check in & Check out/ Member Profile/ Article Information/ Indexing).
  • Healthcare (Student Health/ Injection & Vaccination Schedule/ Health History/ … etc.)
  • Transportation (Buses Maps/ Roads and Trips information/ Student’s Cost depend on Area/…etc.)
  • Security Policy
  • User Profile
  • Login History
  • Approvals Definition
  • View profile of all users based on the roles
  • View/Edit user’s password and privileges
  • Set privileges to users as per their roles
  • Allows organization to set standards for different roles based on their responsibility
  • Track and monitor user's login and transactions on the system.
  • Application Setting

  Ability to define the Schools Structure such as:Basic Configuration ….

  • School Wings  ( KG Wing, Elementary Wing, Primary Wing, Secondary Wing)
  • School Grades (KG1. KG2. Grade 1 to Grade 12)
  • School Sections (KG1-A, KG1-B,G1-A,KG1-B...)
  • Same Code of students in each grade level
  • Ability to classify the school based on the different types of category codes such as Curriculum, Teaching Language and so on.
  • Ability to restructure the School structure.
  • Ability to distribute the new students, current students and failed students to the grades and classes based on different categories.
  • Ability to convert the setup-file from year to year and modify the new changes.
  • Interface with the ERP System